Belgian Offshore days

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The challenging week of had a great ending : an end in line with how it began - a new milestone.

At the Belgian Offshore Days, we had the opportunity to present our vision regarding "Data Collection on Board of Ships as a Safety Argument."

Among the audience, mainly B2B, the presence of a representative of Flanders Investment and Trade, one of the largest shipping companies in the world gave us a real boost.

Our views on the benefits of crew location tracking and wireless real-time data transfer as essential elements that enhance the survivability of seafarers during their daily missions and in case of emergencies gave rise to an exchange of views and determination of challenges for the near future : GDPR , Social engineering and cyber security to name a few .

Transforming the real-time monitored data collected during the onboard measurement campaign into correlated, valuable data that can be used as decision support arguments within the overall decision-making process and more specifically for the optimal handling of search and rescue operations is the added value here.

The merging of academia and practical applications is an achievement close to our hearts. It will always be!